In opdracht zou Flores 2.900, Picasso 1.500, Torso 3 2.500 en het portret van Charles 3.000 kosten.
Oplage van de bronzen = 4 Ëpreuve d’Artiste, wordt genummerd met E.A. I/IV etc . Daarna wordt er geen oplage gemaakt, dus de werken zijn redelijk uniek, ook doordat het patine steeds verschild, maar vooral doordat de fijnere delen zoals de manen steeds opnieuw gemaakt worden en dus wel hetzelfde karakter hebben maar niet precies hetzelfde zijn.
By request/on commission Flores would cost €2,900.00, Picasso €1,500.00, Torso €32,500.00 and the portrait of Charles €3,000.00.
Limited edition for the bronzes are 4 Ëpreuve d’Artiste, is numbered as I/IV etc (number 1 of an edition of total 4). After that, no more are produced and these artworks are thus limited and rather unique. Not just because of the limited editions but also individually as each patina is slightly different and as the smaller parts such as the horses manes are custom made and always different. Therefore, these limited works have the same base and character but none of them are exactly the same.